Felix Hohenadel
Student Assistant
Felix Hohenadel supports the topic area Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience as a student assistant.
Felix is studying for a master's degree in computer science and a bachelor's degree in political science at the Technical University of Munich. He previously completed a bachelor's degree in information systems at the Technical University of Munich. His focus is on topics at the interface between computer science and security policy, in particular cyber security policy. As part of his bachelor's thesis, he analyzed the development of the German “Hackback” debate and participated in the International Security and Intelligence Program at Emmanuel College, Cambridge.
During his studies, Felix gained experience in research and teaching as a student assistant at the Technical University of Munich and was part of the Cyber and Strategic Risk practice at Deloitte Germany as a working student. He was also on the extended board of MUNTUM e.V., Munich's largest Model United Nation Society.
Meet our Experts
Corbinian Ruckerbauer
Senior Policy Researcher Digital Rights, Surveillance and Democracy
Dr. Sven Herpig
Lead Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience
Christina Rupp
Senior Policy Researcher Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience