Martha Rahel Reinicke
Student Assistant | Communications

Martha Rahel Reinicke (she/her) supports the communications department of the Stiftung Neue Verantwortung as a student assistent.
She is currently studying in the master’s program Political Science at the University of Potsdam with specializations in International Relations and Security Policy. In her B.A. in History, Political Science and Social Science, she focused on (de-)legitimizing processes within international organizations and sources for democratic stability and regression. Within her bachelor thesis, she did a comparative analysis of implementation attempts of the Women, Peace and Security agenda from Germany and Sweden.
Before joining SNV, she gained work experience as a consultant for education at the Gokiwies GmbH, as a project assistance in event organization at the Berlin School of creative Leadership and at various NGOs.
Meet our Experts
Dr. Sven Herpig
Lead Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience
Helene Pleil
Senior Policy Reseacher Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience
Christina Rupp
Senior Policy Researcher Cybersecurity Policy and Resilience